TMI it’s been way too long.

By the time yall read this I will be on my way to my son’s 4th chemo treatment.

I hope you enjoy reading it as much as I enjoyed writing it.

1. What’s for breakfast? I cheated this morning and had glazed doughnuts from McDonald’s. They were delicious!

2. Three words you don’t want to hear during sex. Glad that’s over. Because who wants to feel like a chore.

3. Stupid shit you shouldn’t do but do anyway. List two. Order way too much doordash and procrastinate.

4. One thing you love to hate. I think I am going to have to say, trashy reality TV. the When I say that I’m talking about shows like the bad girls club, and the Kardashians, and the real housewives of… Whatever city imaginable.

5. Today is a great day good music and A good book.for _____ .

That was fun. As usual if you want to play along go to the TMI website.

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