2023 reflections.

Hello to whoever is reading this. I’m going to start this post by apologizing in advance for any grammatical errors that might pop up throughout this entry. I am using voice to text because I cannot find my Bluetooth keyboard, and my braille display is not charged.

Now that I’ve gotten that out-of-the-way: I feel like for me, this year has been a year of pushing limits, discovering more about myself, and trying new things.

I’ve done a lot of writing this year, however, it’s been very personal and contained to journals. I’ve gone through a lot within these past few years and a lot of it. I haven’t been able to share online. Gerling for me, however, has been away to get my thoughts out in writing, and by doing that, I was able to let go of the intrusive thoughts that would just hang out in my head taking up space.

I learned a thing or two about gardening this year, and for me, that was pretty cool, because I am a terrible gardener! Or, at least, I thought it was. I got some seedlings in the springtime, and kept them alive all throughout the summer. Not only were they alive though, but they were flourishing. I almost would’ve called my little gardening experiment a success, however, on the day I went to go pick the vegetables that I spent months growing. I found out that an animal got to them before I could. I was so upset! So for next year, I will keep, an eye out for any rabbits or squirrels that think that they can eat out of my garden! I will be back with a vengeance!

This year has also been a year of shifting relationships, I’ve grown really close to people whom at one point I just considered acquaintances. I’ve also grown very far apart from people whom I once held dear. I’ve upheld my own boundaries and walked away from things that aren’t good for me.

This year has been the first year. My spawn is in full-time school so I have been able to try some new hobbies and figure out which ones I like and dislike. As I’ve mentioned above, I did gardening, I tried origami for a bit, I think I’ll get back to that, but I wasn’t very good at it. It was interesting though. I got into Legos, partially because there are websites now that have instructions that can be read with a screen reader. That was really fun, and I hope to complete some more sets in the future. I picked up reading again with my braille display, and I’m really proud of myself for that. I started out small, like 20 minutes a day. And now I can read for over an hour without having to stop because my hands are killing me… I got myself a library card and have been venturing to our public library. Its become my home away from home. I have been dipping my toes in anime and light novels. I think I prefer reading the light novels over watching the anime. Right now i’m reading a sentence of a bookworm. finally though I’ve gotten back into gaming! I started doing a bit of poker with some friends, and then I picked up my card games again, and I found myself dabbling in table top role-playing games. I started with dungeons and dragons, then went onto call of cthulhu, and some others. Call of cthulhu is my favorite so far. I love the horror/investigative components of it. On top of all of this I did a photo shoot for the first time and got back into singing. I think all in all this year was a pretty good year and I’m looking forward to see what 2024 has in store. I hope everyone reading this has a happy new year and had a lovely Holiday season.

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