My 10 year crush

I’ve written and re-written this in my head so many times that now that I’m writing it for real I’m not sure where to begin

I can’t believe it’s been a decade now!

I guess I’ll start at the beginning, but if I start from the beginning then it will be beginning more than a decade ago.

It all started 13 years ago, back then I liked to hang out with girls that were a little older than me. Because of that I met their friends who were also a few years older than me. My best friend at the time introduced me to 1 of her male friends. We exchanged small talk and became fast friends. During the summer and friends had planned to meet up and hang out, I however was a bit younger than them and was not permitted to go.During the summer and friends had planned to meet up and hang out, I however was a bit younger than them and was not permitted to go. Then I lost contact with the boy and friend moved away.

Fast-forward 3 years, I got myself a Facebook account, and I thought I was the hottest thing on the block because of it! I was commenting on something my best friend wrote when I saw a familiar name pop up, and it turned out to be her friend from so long ago. I friend requested them thinking they wouldn’t remember me. I was wrong though, they remembered me and excepted my friend request. We caught up like no time had passed. And we spent that summer catching up on life. You see what I haven’t mentioned yet is the male person in the story the all the way in the UK. What context, I live in the United States. This is important to the story I promise.

My family did a lot of road tripping and on those road trips in the summer I spent getting closer to this person. A summer turned to autumn, we resumed our routines in school lives, but never lost touch. We became thick as thieves. We talked as much as my phone plan would allow, my friends teased me about how I needed unlimited data on my phone because I was going through data like it was going out of style. Then a few years later I got a boyfriend and we stopped talking.

Time came and went and we both grew up respectively, we stayed in contact through the years congratulating each other on life‘s milestones. we talked when our lives allowed, and when we spoke on the phone, we talked for hours, then resume our lives.

Flash forward to pandemic times. I awoke from a dream that stared my friend. In said dream we were more than friends. I called him because I had to tell him before I forgot. Expected us to laugh about it, and move on with our conversation. That is not what happened though. When I told him he got really quiet before explaining that he wanted to make that a reality.

So back to present day: we are anxiously awaiting next month when he will be visiting again. It’s been an adjustment for all involved. He had to see if he was okay with polyamorous relationships. I had to see if I could handle being with 2 males. We’ve done a lot of growing and I’m excited to see what the future holds.

Wicked Wednesday... a place to be wickedly sexy or sexily wicked

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